The Son of God, Jesus, teaches us influence in a very special way. His method of influence is through humility. In Philippians 2:5-13, Apostle Paul describes the humility of Christ. He was God but did not consider that but rather humbled himself into becoming a man. God has therefore exalted Him and given Him a name above every name. Jesus Christ conducted His ministry in the Spirit of humility. He did not consider Himself too holy for the prostitute, too pious for the tax collector, too glorious for the centurion, and neither did he consider himself too good for the cross, though He was!
The humility of Christ has won Him the place of intercession for men. We are therefore admonished to emulate the spirit of Jesus’ humility in the conduct of lives. Pride goes before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. Christian service must be conducted from the place of reverence and humility towards God. Jesus showed this by washing the feet of His disciples. He then admonished the disciples to wash each other’s feet. This is a call to serve one another humbly with the gifts that God has given us.
In humility, we find room for learning. Pride leaves no room for learning. In humility, we find favour with God and men, pride has it all and needs no favours. In humility, we allow God’s strength to cover our weakness, pride shows and glorifies human strength. We can become influencers if we submit to God in humility and to service towards one other.