
The Psalmist creates an imagery of desperation where one is in dire need of help. He doesn’t relent on his search for answers but rather gazes at his source of help in times of need, the hills, a place where he meets his Lord. When it became critical for him to seek help, he knew where to turn to. He never lost hope. It is with this great confidence that we must approach God and never give up on life and ministry.

Life has a way causing us to cave in and to lose hearts when the tides are against us. But remember that we are not of this world though we are in it, therefore we cannot behave as the world pleases. When the cables drift and the billows roll, our anchor is definitely with us. Don’t ever for a second think that you are alone. The Almighty God is with you. He never leaves nor forsakes you. He is dependable. He cares for you. The battles of life are never fought alone as a Christian. God, the great warrior is with you.

Hold on my dear, hold on! Help is on the way! You are not alone in the struggles of life, the Lord is your shade from the heat of this life, He is at your right hand urging you on to stay on him, he will not permit your foot to slip. The verse 7 is so soothing to the soul, it says, he will keep you from harm for he watches over you. He is indeed our ever-present help. As the year gradually comes to a close, DON’T GIVE UP! KEEP ON TRUSTING GOD! HOLD ON! OUR EVER-PRESENT HELP IS WITH YOU!