Friday, September 1, 2023


1 Timothy 2:9-10


Personal grooming is a skill that assists individuals to clean and maintain their bodies. Personal grooming is essential to enhance appearance as well as personal hygiene. Single life, as was discussed earlier, is for a season and it behoves on you to groom yourself well. Grooming yourself well tends to boost your self-esteem. In today’s devotion, we shall discuss some grooming tips for singles.

Grooming Tips for single ladies:

● Healthy and Glowing Skin: There is the need to maintain a healthy skin. Research proves that drinking enough water, eating healthy diets, including fruits and vegetables, helps in this regard. Adequate rest and exercise also help to keep your skin glowing.

● Apply make-up reasonably: When you overdo makeup, instead of enhancing your appearance, it rather changes your entire self.

● Dress wisely: As a young lady, remember that you are addressed by what you wear. It is important that you wear dresses that make you comfortable. As a Christian lady too, the Bible admonishes you to dress modestly (do not expose sensitive parts of your body). Dressing decently enhances your inner confidence.

● Basic Etiquettes: Courtesy words like please, excuse me, sorry and thank you should be part of your dealings with others to show that you are a real lady. Your words should be seasoned with salt (Col. 4:6) and no vulgar language should come from you.

Grooming Tips for the single guys: Good grooming for men means doing whatever necessary to appear presentable.

● Hair cut: As a young guy who wants to be confident in his looks, the type of haircut you keep is important. Don’t follow fashion blindly because the shape of your face should determine the hairstyle you should keep.

● Smelling good: In grooming yourself as a guy is the need to always smell good. Maintaining personal hygiene will help in this regard

i.e. bathing well and regularly using deodorants

In conclusion, as you groom yourself as a lady/gentleman, do everything in moderation (1Tim. 2:9) so as not to attract undue attention to yourself.

Prayer Guide: Lord, help me to live a life pleasing to you.

Memory Verse For This Week: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) – “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”
