A 6-year-old boy accompanied his father to the hospital to visit a sick neighbour. The sick person was completely paralyzed as a result of spine damage. Immediately, they got to the bed of the sick person. The boy said, “Dad, I would like to pray for this woman.” His father full of amazement and doubt about his boy’s request retorted, “Ok, you pray after that I will pray.”  Immediately, the boy prayed, the sick person was healed miraculously, stood out of bed, and was discharged that same day. It was observed that although the man allowed his son to pray, he was not thinking that his son’s prayer will not yield any result.

In 1 Samuel 3:10, we saw that God spoke to the boy Samuel in a time that God had not spoken for a long time. God chose to speak to Samuel although Prophet Eli was around. It is also important to note that Eli recognised that God could speak to the boy Samuel since the boy had been under his tutelage.


–           Why do you think Prophet Eli asked Samuel to respond in that manner?

–           In what ways can God use the children in your house, church and community?

Here are steps you can consider:

–           Believe that God can use children to accomplish his purpose

–           Prepare a child for God’s use today

–           Encourage children to avail themselves for the Master’s use.