The relevance of the church is in what she gives! The church of Jesus has been built to meet an intended purpose of giving what is needed and not just what is wanted or expected! This week we shall glean some lessons from the general theme of The Church of Pentecost – Possessing the Nations: Equipping the Church to transform every sphere of society with the values and principles of the kingdom of God.

The passage speaks about Peter and John going up to the temple at the hour of prayer to pray. Just at the entrance, they met this lame man from birth who has been sitting at the Beautiful gate of the temple in anticipation of alms.

The Bible says that Peter and John concentrated their attention on him and equally told him “look at us.” This infirm in obedience to the simple command fixed his attention on them but with the expectation of receiving money from them. No wonder Peter replied silver or gold we do not have but such as we have we give! In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!

Peter followed his words with actions by lifting him up with his right hand and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength not money so he leaped and jumped amidst walking and praising God. Hallelujah!


They gave him more than money (silver and gold) because it transformed his entire life and outlook. This gave him a new sense of direction and mission in life. This new direction made him, first of all, praise God and enter into His presence with joy.

May we give to society what they actually need and not what they want! It is only in this that can we transform and influence their worldviews with the values and principles of the kingdom of God. Let the church of Jesus always go ahead in prayer before the Lord to receive what the Holy Spirit determines for our societies concerning their needs.