We deduce from John 15:8 that because God’s desire and expectation is for Christians to be fruitful, He is glorified when they are able to do that. When Christians exhibit godly characters and behaviours, He is honoured because it shows the power of the gospel and of that grace which can overcome the evil propensities of the heart. Fruitful Christian living is also a sign of true discipleship. It glorifies God because all the investment He made in man did not go waste. If we want to honour God, it should not be merely with the lips but by a life devoted to Him.

In Matthew 5:16, we learn that we should let our holy lives, pure conversations, and faithful instructions be seen and known everywhere, always, in all societies, in all businesses, at home and abroad, in prosperity and adversity, among others. The motive is not just to be seen by men but that our heavenly Father may be glorified. It is not right to do a thing merely to be seen by others, for that is pride and ostentation but we are to do it that, being seen, God may be honoured. Christians act to glorify God and care little what men may think of them, except as by their conduct others may be brought to honour God.