Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Esther 4:15-17


Fasting can be defined as wilfully abstaining or reducing the intake of food or water for a period. It has got to do with abstaining from things that give an individual pleasure which sometimes include sex among married couples. During the time of fasting, we deny ourselves of all that give us pleasure physically and commune with the Lord. As we become lighter physically, spiritual intimacy with the Lord is deepened. Christians should not engage in fasting only when they need something from the Lord but as a means of strengthening their relationship with the Lord. From our reading today, we realize that Esther and the other Jews fasted and prayed before Esther could go into the presence of the king and obtain favour.

Likewise, Jesus challenged His disciples in Mark 9:29 that it takes fasting and prayers to be able to make certain strides when it comes to matters of the spiritual. Research has also shown that fasting has a lot of health benefits such as lower blood pressure and weight loss among others.

As believers, we need not downplay the importance of fasting in our Christian walk. We must have a consistent fasting habit which will help in deepening our spirits and bring along with its many health benefits

Prayer Guide: Father, I desire to develop a consistent life of fasting.

Memory Verse For This Week: Isaiah 40:31 (TLB) – But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
