Yesterday we started looking at the Prayer the Apostle Paul prayed for the Colossian Church that they will be “filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding” Colossians 1:9. We understood the Messiah and his subsequent Mission and Message. Paul further wanted them to understand his MINISTRY. What was going to help the believers to distinguish the genuine Ministry from the fake ones was going to be according to the word. So he described himself as a minister of the gospel. He laboured in the Mighty Power of God, not in his own strength. He also had fellow ministers whom he mentioned in Chapters one and four.
Moreover, Paul also wanted them to understand the METHOD of Christ’s Ministers. This was in relation to how the ministers of the gospel went about their work. They use every “open door” that God provides. His method in Ministry was the 6 P’s which are, Prayer to back ministry, Providence to open doors, Positive attitude towards problems, Presentation clear and enlightening, Presence of mind to seize opportunity and a Personal approach to teaching.
We all have the obligation of accepting what the Word of God says about us and to ensure that we will accept and embrace the liberty and responsibility that go with it.