By the Grace of God, we have been examining the book of Colossians this week, I hope you have enjoyed it. God bless you for being faithful. Show some love to yourself. We started with the right biblical perspective of Jesus. we saw that our view of Jesus Christ will impact every area of our life. We were also encouraged to Worship Jesus and give him first place in our hearts, our education, our marriage, our friendship, our daily living to mention but a few. Remember he is the first cause of all creation, who showed his power over creation by becoming the firstborn from the dead. On Wednesday we learnt, Every Human Being can be made complete in Christ if only we let him have dominion.

We discovered also that Spiritual enlightenment is essentially “knowledge of God’s will” and God’s will must be done, not just understood. Also, our understanding and knowledge will have to produce results. We observed that; we all have the obligation of accepting what the Word of God says about us and to ensure that we will accept and embrace the liberty and responsibility that go with it. Finally, we saw that as New Testament believers we are not only to restore New Testament doctrine and worship, but also to revive the real brotherhood, comradeship, and fellowship that Characterized Paul and the Christians with whom he associated.

As we close our study in the Book of Colossians today, I will want to admonish you with the words Paul gave to Archippus ‘See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord. God richly bless you, have a fruitful Sunday and a nice time at Church.