God Almighty hates homosexuality and the Bible speaks against it. However, some Christian groups allow same-sex marriage in their churches, but this does not change what the Bible has said. They hide behind the freedom to pervert the gospel of Christ, but they must be regarded as ‘accursed’ (Galatians 1:9). We do not have to believe all that people say but “test” all spirits. The Devil employs many people who claim to be Christians but are really advancing the kingdom of
Homosexuality is >>>>
1. Wicked, foolish, evil and destructive. It can dash one’s life into pieces and cause a man’s soul to forever perish in hell. Gen.19:5-7, Rom 1:26-32, Judges 19:22-23
2. An abomination to God and society; and disgusting. Lev. 18:22-23, Lev.20:1
3. An act that will expel someone from God’s congregation.1 Cor. 5:9-13
4. A disgraceful act that places people below the level of a beast. It is a reward for continually ignoring the rule of God and the authority of Christ. Romans 1:24-27
5. All those who practice it will not inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9