MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021


Joshua 5:6, 1 Corinthians 10:1-11


Last two weeks, we were taken through the benefits we derive from being obedient to the voice of God and submitting ourselves entirely to His commands. We learnt that obedience is the supreme test of our faith in God and reverence for Him. Indeed, obedience to God gives the believer the right standing with God, positioning him or her to fulfil to the fullest the plans and purposes of God.  In the Scriptures however, there are many other examples of people who also chose to disobey God and eventually missed out the plans and purpose of God for their lives – Adam and Eve, Saul, Solomon, Samson, Hophni and Phinehas among several others.

Disobedience is very consequential by nature. In many cases, it may end up costing us far more than we have ever thought. The consequences of disobedience are plain throughout Scripture from the book of Genesis to Revelation. Indeed, God has a reason for allowing these to be recorded in the Bible. He wants us to be able to learn from the horrible mistakes people had made in the past, so that we do not keep on repeating these same costly mistakes over and over again. God in His love for us wants to protect us from the ugly consequences of rebelling against Him.   

According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 (NLT) “… These things happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age.”

This week, we will be looking at the consequences of disobeying God with reference to some characters in the Bible who disobeyed God and how they suffered from their disobedience. It is my fervent hope that the Lord will speak to us; as He empowers us to obey him whole-heartedly. Through this, our way of life and the fruits thereof will have a lasting positive impact on our generation and the generations to come. 

PRAYER: Pray that the Lord will grant you an obedient heart. #PossessingtheNations
