The exciting truth about this mystery revealed by God is that, all true believers are now members of God’s household called the Church or the family of God on earth. Dear one you are a member of God’s family and destined to share in Christ’s glory forever if you have Him as Lord and saviour. Interestingly, with this door that is opened, neither Jews nor Gentiles have preference over the other. Both Jews and Gentiles now become members of the body of Christ through faith in Jesus. God hid this from the old generations and even the rulers of darkness and principalities. This is exactly what is involved in this mystery.

The indwelling Christ is the believers’ hope of glory. The fact that He indwells us makes heaven sure, as if we are already there because we are united with Christ. The resurrection of Jesus gives believers the assurance of our own resurrection and immortality. This is a certainty! We are hopeful to the truth and fact that we shall be made alive and our lowly bodies transformed to His glorious body (1 Corinthians 15:22). Do you believe in this? It is our blessed hope because Christ lives in us.