Today is Boxing Day. It is a special day set aside for all children of God and the world at large to show our love through giving. It is a day believers are to ‘box’ a gift and give to others hence the name “Boxing” Day. Today is a day to give.

In John 3:16, God demonstrated his love for the world by giving us His only begotten Son in the person of Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ was teaching His disciples about the beatitudes in Luke 6:20-49, in verse 38, He admonished them; “give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.” You cannot be blessed if you do not like giving. Acts 20:35b states that, “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Apostle Paul encouraged the believers in Galatia that they should not grow weary of doing good, for in due season they would reap. They should not give up on doing good. He further said that as they have the opportunity to do good, they should do it, especially to those who are believers.

Boxing Day is an opportunity for you to do good to others. We are to show love by giving gifts to our parents, siblings, church leaders, leaders in our communities, teachers, and our friends.

Perhaps you always give to people during Boxing Day but you do not receive any gift from them; do not give up, continue to give and in due season you shall reap in hundred folds. Put a smile on someone’s face today by giving.