Many martyrs have given their lives for something they believed in. But one sacrifice surpasses them all – that of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the gift of God, was born to become the final and complete sacrifice for our sins. In His human life Jesus whole life was a sacrifice. From the text in John, God gave “His one and only Son.” This statement connotes exemplary sacrifice. One and only is nothing but sacrifice. Yes, Jesus Christ born of Virgin Mary came and emptied himself as a sacrifice for our sins.
By definition, for purpose of our study, a sacrifice is a religious right in which an object is offered to God in order to establish, maintain or restore a right relationship with God.
So for our sake, Christ left the privileges of heaven to be born in lowly stable to be offered as a sacrificial lamb to pay for our sins to restore us back to God. The reason for the sacrifice was the joy set before him (Hebrews 12:2), for what the sacrifice will result in: life eternal for all who believe. The sacrifice indeed yielded a great reward – “save the world through him” (John 3:16-17).
Have you responded to Christ’s sacrifice for your sins? Salvation is a free gift. Free because Christ has already paid for it with His blood. But like any other gift, it only becomes ours if we reach out in faith and receive it. Why not welcome Him into your life today especially in this season of His birth?
For us as His children this exemplary sacrifice should also cause us to do more for Him. How much have you sacrificed for God or His kingdom in your walk with Him? Christ was indeed born to die as a sacrifice, we must also be ready to sacrifice at all times in His kingdom business. Amen!