This prophecy which says behold I am doing a new thing implores us to forget the former things and the former ways. When we talk about former things, two things come into the picture – the Good and the Bad.

The good can be some successes you may have achieved within the period; God’s miraculous power you may have enjoyed;  privileges, opportunities and favour that came your way; what God had used you to achieve.

The bad moments are your failures and the disappointments that came your way as a result of your family background, geographical location or through some sins and mistakes you did.

Both the good and bad have a way of blocking your vision to see the new thing that God wants to do in your life. While the good memories can make you complacent, the bad memories can equally make you get disappointed and frustrate your future aspirations.

The antidote, therefore, is what Paul prescribes in Philippians 3:13 that we should forget what is behind us (good and bad) and rather reach forth to what is ahead.


What things are trying to slow you down or completely block your vision of reaching forth for higher heights. Give thanks for the successes and failures you have experienced but equally set new targets and keep your eyes on what lies ahead.