Saturday, February 25, 2023


Mathew 5:13-16; 1 Timothy 4:12

Christ came to reveal how God expects us to live in a practical form. Now that Christ is no more physically present but is living in you, you are His representative on earth. What this means is that the only way this world would see Christ and come to the knowledge of Him is when you make Him known. In making Him known, you must make Him known in all His might, power, beauty, love and wisdom.

As a young person, you can win over your campus and your generation for Christ if you excel in all aspects of your life. Daniel and his mates, who glorified God in all aspects of their lives, won every sphere of the great Babylon Kingdom for God. Don’t forget that King Nebuchadnezzar’s plan was to win them over to his side but it turned out the other way around. As a Christian student, your goal should be to take over every sphere of life on your campuses and in society for Christ. To do this, your influence must be felt in every aspect – sports, entertainment, politics, academics and others.

The call to holistic development is a call to live an exemplary life. Paul tells young Timothy not to let anyone despise his youth but to endeavour to be an example to all people in every way possible. This means that young Timothy was to be an example to the politicians, philosophers, scientists and all classes of people of his age. This generation is speedily being overshadowed by gross darkness; and as a young person, this is your time to develop your capabilities to shine in every aspect of life so that all men may know the way to the Father.

Prayer Guide: Lord, help me to be an example to others in my generation.

Memory Verse For This Week: Daniel 1:7 (ESV) – “As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.”
