The Christian’s attitude towards politics should be seen as a call to love and serve our neighbours. You remember when Jesus was questioned by the religious authorities on the law, He responded that loving God with all your heart, soul and mind was the greatest commandment. He further added, “And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself”. Followers of Christ are called to love and serve their neighbours.
But the question is, who is your “neighbour?” Jesus, responding to this question, told the parable of the Good Samaritan, indicating that irrespective of race, background, social status, tribe, gender and occupation, neighbourly love is owed. Interestingly, politics is one of the most important areas in which Christians who are actively involved are expected to demonstrate love to their neighbours. In fact, how can Christians claim to care about others and not engage in the arena that most profoundly shapes basic rights and freedoms? Caring for the hungry, orphans, widows, naked, sick, afflicted, marginalised, and the lonely is important to Jesus and should be to His followers as
To achieve this, we must consciously be part of the process that formulates policies and laws which protect unborn children, strengthen marriages and families, advocate for the vulnerable, and provide an opportunity for the growth and development of the individual. Jesus said, “As you did it to one of the least of these you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). fulfiling the biblical mandate to love one’s neighbour and care for the “least of these” should be a priority for every Christian politician. Politics is a means of effecting great change and must be engaged by Christians who love their neighbour.