Sunday June 26, 2022.

 So Far This Week.

Beloved, God richly bless you for being diligent throughout the whole of this week’s devotions on “Being God’s instrument for Transformation.”

We have discovered that in each generation, God always looks for Men and Women, and Boys and Girls who will want to see a marked change within their environs for Him to use as instruments to carry out a particular function. His eyes run to and fro and once He finds such a one, He supplies such a one with the needed resources to ensure that the world of the person is impacted.

We also learnt that if there is something God needs badly from the end time Church, then it’s authentic models. Authentic models are used in creating others like themselves.

Many Christians wish to become God’s Masterpiece but are unwilling to subject themselves to practices which will turn them to become God’s Masterpiece. If you’re willing, then God is inviting you.

Furthermore, He has the blueprint of everything that ought to happen, so the people He calls will have to always get to Him to know what ought to be done; that is; if one seeks to do a new thing, one ought to ask for constant directions so as to ensure that what is completed is done according to how one wanted it done from the very beginning.

We also saw that some conditions are specifically designed for shaping you and not for your destruction. In any bad situation, do not question God. Rather, seek to know what God wants to do with the situation. This is a question of purpose and it will lead you into your divine agenda.

Finally, we learnt that in the body of Christ, we are all implements in God’s hands. Once we find our purpose, we must commit to faithfully serving that purpose. May God richly bless you.

Prayer Guide: Lord, may I be a vessel of honour, ready and prepared for every good work.

Memory Verse For This Week:

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) – “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”