Sunday June 19, 2022

So Far This Week

Throughout the week, we have discussed various ways by which we can make friends rightly and maximise the benefits that we can derive from such relationships. It was discussed that every friendship should have a purpose and, based on the purpose, one will choose either a peer as a friend for sharing or building each other, a superior to receive knowledge and counsel from or a younger person to sow into. All these levels of friendships have numerous benefits that can be derived if chosen rightly.

The first and foremost pre-requisite we discussed was to make Christ Jesus your first friend. That will surely guide and guard you in making any other friends regardless of the level. We also discussed that, to be able to find a friend who is superior in any capacity, we will need a lot of humility, teachable spirit, patience and the grace to catch some virtues which cannot be taught. In choosing a younger person as a friend, we also discussed that one needs to exercise some care or else you may easily be envious of a mentee who is seemly more gifted or endowed with much grace as King Saul did to David and later became an enemy instead of a friend. We can rather be part of the success story of a future leader.

We also discussed that in making friends with the opposite sex, extra caution ought to be taken so it would not warrant any sexual immorality which has destroyed many destinies. The scripture admonishes Christians to treat friends who are peers of the opposite sex as sisters/brothers with all purity, older friends of the opposite sex as mothers/fathers and by so doing, such friendship would be devoid of any sexual immoralities.

Finally, we learnt from the friendship of Daniel and his friends that no true friendship can continue unless they share common values, principles and faith. It is time to enjoy your friendship as God has purposed and for the plan of God to be fulfilled in our lives as we make friends rightly.

Prayer Guide: Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for your grace to adhere to all the principles, values and lessons we have learnt this week. Amen.

Memory Verse For This Week:

1 Corinthians 15:33 – Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
