Monday June 13, 2022.

Making Friends The Right Way.

Scripture Reference: Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.


Friendship is a gift of God with many benefits if made the right way. The scripture under discussion explicitly reveals that it’s better to have a friend than to be alone. God Himself said in Genesis 2:28 that it is not good for man to be alone. Having someone as a friend is better because when one falls, the other will lift him up.

It is also quite interesting to note the relationship that exists in the Trinity: The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, who walk and work together in harmonious fellowship. If God fellowships, then it is beneficial for everyone to have a friend.

Friendship is a relationship with a purpose and should not be made without a purpose. Friendships are made with superiors for good counselling and impact, with peers for mutual benefits (for sharing), and with younger persons for sowing. How do we make such friends rightly?

One thing that can guarantee the success in making the right choice of friendship is to be friends with the greatest friend, Jesus Christ. By reason of being friends with Jesus, one is automatically enlightened and blessed with what it takes to make other good friends and avoid bad company. The counsel of Jesus Christ (His word) will guard and guide a person to make the right friends. God shows us the value of communion in Genesis, when He always came to visit Adam and speak with him. He is ready today to be your friend if you will allow him into your life.

Maybe you have accepted Jesus into your life but He is still not your friend. Yes, you can be a child of God and yet not His friend. This is the way to be his friend; first, accept Him into your life as your Lord and Saviour and then love Him by obeying whatever He tells you and He will be a close friend to you as He was to Adam.

Prayer Guide: Father, I commit myself to being your lifetime friend by accepting Jesus and will fully obey Him so please help me.

Memory Verse For This Week:

1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) – Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
