Friday June 10, 2022

Social Development.

Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 18:1-5.


Social development refers to the process of learning how to interact

with others. It involves the acquisition of skills to communicate with

others and process their actions. Through social development, we learn how to successfully interact with people, handle disagreements, and build strong relationships which have a positive impact on our wellbeing.

In 1 Samuel 18, we realise that Jonathan was able to build a very strong relationship with David. This must not be considered lightly at all. Jonathan was a possible heir to his father’s throne, and he could have considered David a threat to this possibility. However, Jonathan built a strong relationship with David, overlooking the fact that he was a threat to his political advancement. There was no hypocrisy in his relationship. He stripped himself of all he had and bestowed it upon David. This was a sign of great social development in Jonathan. He was mature in his relationship with David.

To promote social development, there is the need to build social bonds with people. We need to learn how to interact with others. This involves communicating and listening to others communicate. We need to participate in family and social gatherings as well. Through these engagements, we get to know and understand people. Social values are also good to consider if we want to enhance our social development. Some social values we need to consider are accountability, dignity, honesty, fairness, collective responsibility and the likes.

Social development is very important for the following reasons: promoting peaceful co-existence especially amongst people of different tribes and traditions, fostering co-operation to achieve societal goals, promoting social action to fight evil and promoting good in society amongst others.

Prayer Guide: May we be able to overlook the weaknesses of othersand foster godly social relationships with them.

Memory Verse For This Week:

Luke 2:52 (ESV) – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man.”
