Monday June 6, 2022.

Topic: Developing Holistically.

Scripture References: Luke 2:51-52; 3 John 1-2.


Holistic development means to develop one’s spiritual, cognitive, physical, emotional and social abilities. This can be referred to as full-growth or complete human development. Holistic development brings us to a point of maturity and compatibility with the society we live in. It is an all-round approach to human development, which is necessary for one to achieve meaningful existence.

In 3 John 1:2, the writer prayed for the recipients of his letter, expressing his desire to see them prosper in health and in all things even as their soul prospers. This prayer is in line with God’s will for His people. God’s desire is for us to experience growth and development in every area of our life. Jesus grew in stature and wisdom, and had favour both before God and men.

In this week’s devotion, we shall look at various areas of development we need to consider seriously in our personal development as people and as leaders training others into maturity. The areas of concern will be cognitive, physical, emotional, social and spiritual. This list may not be exhaustive, but it tackles the broad areas of human development. The danger of one-sided growth can be likened to a beautiful edifice with a gaping hole in its wall. The area we fail to develop will eventually cause the collapse of whatever gains we have made in other areas.

It is my prayer that, just as Jesus grew up holistically and was able to turn the world around fully accomplishing the purpose of His call, we shall also experience complete development that will propel us to achieve what God has prepared for us.

Prayer Guide: It takes discipline for us to see development in our human growth. May God strengthen our inner man for us to subject ourselves to work for holistic growth.

Memory Verse For This Week:

Luke 2:52 (ESV) – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man.”
