Sunday June 5, 2022.

So Far This Week

Throughout the week, we studied about Passion for the things of


We got to understand that passion is the desire to get something done and it is what fuels us into action. We learnt that passion for God means loving and serving God with our hearts, souls and strength. We were also admonished to be fervent in spirit like Apollos, who was deeply involved with teaching and defending the Christian faith. Our fervency is to be seen in our prayer lives as well.

We also saw Jesus who had been consumed by zeal for the house of God. He desired to and so ensured that the beauty and holiness of God’s house was preserved by driving out those who had turned the temple into a market. Nehemiah, who had great care and concern for the distressed people of Jerusalem, was also seen. He did not just brood over their challenges; he prayed and took action by re-building the wall of Jerusalem to ensure that his people were safe.

We got to know of the passion of Apostle Paul. Though he knew that persecution and death awaited him where he was going, he did not value his own life above preaching the Gospel to the lost. We also learnt that passion for God also means we must have passion for lost souls and make evangelism our lifestyle.

In all, we must love God with our entire being and our passion must always be translated into action for the benefit of ourselves, the church and the society at large.

Prayer Guide: Thank You Lord for the enlightenment. Help me to develop great passion for You always.

Memory Verse For This Week:

Romans 12:11 (NIV) – “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.”
