Scripture References: Nehemiah 1:1-11; 2:11-18.


One other person who had so much passion for the things of God was Nehemiah. He was greatly concerned about the state of Jerusalem and its inhabitants. So when he heard that the walls had been broken, his heart was greatly troubled. He had no rest until the wall was built and the gracious hand of God gave him good results.

There is much we can learn about Nehemiah’s life and passion. He cared not just about himself, but also about God’s people who were in distress. In exile, he had been elevated to the trusted office of the king’s cupbearer, and so he had a comfortable life. He was not satisfied with only his comfort. He wanted God’s people in Jerusalem to be comfortable as well.

Do you care about the needy in your church and society? Passion for God will also mean love and concern for the poor and needy. He channeled his passion into prayer (Nehemiah 1:4). He did not just brood over the sad state of his people. He went to God in prayer on their behalf. One interesting thing about his prayer is that in asking for God’s forgiveness, he did not count himself better than the others. He also asked for forgiveness for himself. One way we can show care and concern for God’s people is to spend time interceding for them in prayer.

After fasting and praying, Nehemiah took action to ensure that the people are safe by re-building the wall. When he got back to Jerusalem, he gathered the people to build the wall. Our passion must be seen in action, or else it will be an empty passion. What are you doing in the house of God? What are you doing to alleviate the suffering of others?

Prayer Guide: Dear Lord, please give me the passion of Nehemiah.

Memory Verse For This Week:

Romans 12:11 (NIV) – “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.”
