WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2022.
Topic: Keeping Your Eden.
Scripture References: Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:15-16.
Exposition: Man was the last creature mentioned in the garden. He did not come through a word of proclamation from God like the other creatures, rather he was formed by God’s hands. Human life was created in the image of God. To the Hebrew audience, the original text needs to be understood that the two Hebrew words “tselem” translated as “image” and “demuth” translated as “likeness” refer to something that is similar but not identical to the thing it represents.
This image was only imparted to man, not to communicate that God has an image as a human form but this talks about God sharing His communicable attributes with man. Some of God’s communicable attributes are; holiness, wisdom, righteousness, justice, love, truth etc. This distinct value placed on man makes it possible for man to relate and interact with God in a very personal way. Being in the image of God, humans are expected to demonstrate God’s holiness, righteousness, mercy, goodness, faithfulness and love to the world.
Man’s creation in God’s image was functional as man is to take dominion or to rule over the earth and care for all God’s creations. Humans are God’s direct representatives on earth. Humans must seek ways of taking care of and improving upon the resources given to us. Fulfilling this responsibility therefore brings glory to God’s name and humans. Obedience to His Word would keep man in the sphere of God’s fellowship and approval. This charge given in the garden brings out God’s divine image in humans and this makes man completely different from all God’s creation.
Prayer Guide: Dear Lord, help me to keep the charge for which you created me. Amen.
Memory Verse For This Week: Psalms 91:1 & 2 -“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”