Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

TOPIC: Growing In His Presence.

Scripture References: John 15:1-7; Genesis 2:10 & 1 Peter 2:2.

Exposition: God is much concerned about the growth of His creation as we see that He provided the garden with sources of irrigation to prevent the death of plants and animals. Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates were rivers that watered Eden. In the gospel written according to John, Jesus says He is the true vine and His Father is the gardener, the Father does the pruning of every branch that does not bear fruit so that He can bear even more fruit. Just as sources of irrigation was provided for in the Garden likewise, God has provided for us all that we would need for our growth in Him we just need to plug into it and follow as He leads. Examples of this provision are believing in His Son Jesus; the vine of whom we are the branches. Remaining in Christ would help us bear much fruit.

Secondly not just believing in Christ but also having His word in us the constant study of God’s word and its obedience helps us grow and saves us from being a branch that would be thrown away and wither and eventually find ourselves burnt in fire.

The sources of irrigation never run dry; there was a constant supply into the garden. With this, we know that God’s provision for us is constant and we need to trust Him that His plans for us are the best and would not bring us to spoil if we fully obey Him.

Prayer Guide: Dear Father, help me to follow you closely and solely rely on you for my growth and success. Amen.

Memory Verse For This Week: Psalms 91:1 & 2- “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
