MONDAY, MAY 23, 2022.


Scripture References: Genesis 2:8-15 & Genesis 4:10-16.

Exposition: A brief background check on the origination of Eden can be seen in the Bible where God planted a garden, of which He put His creation including Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden is said to be “eastward, in Eden”; where the vegetation was lush and the fig tree indigenous and where it was well-watered. All kinds of animals, including cattle, beasts of the field and birds, were found there.

Eden has been supposed to mean the land of delights, and that the word became a synonym for Paradise. This week we would strive to understand the essence of the place called ‘Eden’ and how man strayed from this delightful place with possible ways of going back to this delightful environment. From the creation story we would understand that God was not far from man in the garden. Hence, Eden cultivated the presence of God.

God delights in being at where He’s placed His children, that is why on several accounts in the Bible God gives the assurance of His presence being with man. Now we do not have to look for another garden to be under God’s watch but we carry the presence of God as we move because we have the Holy Spirit in us.  

The Spirit of God in us cleanses our heart from all sin that makes our hearts and bodies a delightful place for God to inhabit. With the presence of God in us we communicate freely just as the first Adam did in Eden. Is your ‘Eden’ environment destroyed with the filth sin brings?

Prayer Guide: Dear Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Amen.

Memory Verse For This Week: Psalms 91:1-2- “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
