SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2022.
EXPOSITION: We began our devotion by understanding that self-development is basically about building yourself up to maximize your potentials. We learnt of the bad development of Eli’s sons and how Samuel holistically developed himself and obtained favour with God and men.
We also got to know of how Jesus, our model of self-development, developed Himself holistically. We were encouraged to develop ourselves in all aspects as Jesus did – physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
In spiritual development, we learnt that Christ is the model and we must learn from His commitment to a life of fasting and prayers. We are also to study the scriptures for ourselves so that we will develop spiritually. In physically development, we learnt that regularly exercise and good diet are necessary in producing a healthy body which can serve others and also shows our good stewardship of the body God has given us. Self-control also helps us grow into godliness.
To develop well, we realized that we must abide in Christ through consistent fellowship with Him. We must remain focused on our walk with God to be well built in Christ.
PRAYER GUIDE: Thank You Lord, for Your word to us this week. Help me to develop myself into the fullness of Christ. Amen.
MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: 1 Samuel 2:26 – “And the child Samuel grew in stature and in favour both with the Lord and Men”.