Scripture Reference: Psalm 42:1-7.

EXPOSITION: Do you feel like every time you try to move forward in something you hit a roadblock? You can learn from the deer. Psalm 42:1 “As the  deer pants for the waters brook so pants my soul for you, o God.’’ The male deer is a singled-minded creature. Once its sights are on  a goal, nothing can dissuade it. It is focused and strives hard to get  whatever it wants. Even for a drink of water, it will not stop looking no matter the distance and obstacles.

Such single-mindedness is what the Lord desires of His children as we develop in Him. The Lord loves to see real commitment that changes lives. To live for Christ means to give oneself to Him in body,  soul, mind and spirit. As the deer pursues the cool waters with all that it has, so must we also pursue the Lord with all that is within us. The Psalmist said “My soul thirst for God, for the living God.’’ May your soul thirst for God. No matter the storms  be committed and focus like the deer. Philippians 3:14 says “I press  toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” In your goal, your planning and spiritual development, keep  on keeping on. Don’t give up.

As you set out today with your eyes on the prize that God has set before you, know that you are not running alone. The Lord is going with you. He is making the crooked ways straight and your rough places smooth. You may go through few difficulties just as the deer goes through difficulties in searching for water, but that will end soon.  Look at the promise of God – to anoint your head with oil and cause  your cup to run over. Keep running, focus on your goal and you will  surely find water and nourishment on the way.

PRAYER GUIDE: Lord give me grace to run as the deer towards my goals, help me to be focused and keep on searching for you. Amen.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: 1 Samuel 2:26 – “And the child Samuel grew in stature and in favour both with the Lord and Men”.
