SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2022
EXPOSITION: This week has been very insightful and revealing. We have been looking at the need to develop deep root against the storms of life. Roots are essential for the plant to have life. In our Christian journey, we are likely to come across some forms of storms and hence the need for us to develop roots against them.
Using Mark 4:35 to 41, we discussed the reaction of Jesus’ disciple when confronted with storms in the boat. We saw how terrified they were and how their faith had grown cold. We also took some lessons from Jesus’ response to the storm. We learnt that, though the storms will come Jesus is also there for us to calm down every storm in our life.
We also looked at Jesus, our perfect and ultimate example when it comes to developing deep roots. In spite of the many challenges, He remained focused and endured the cross till the end. This serves as great example for us to remain focused and endure no matter the challenges we face. The story of the three Hebrew men; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego was discussed. We took inspiration from how they stood firmly in their faith when faced with death threat from King Nebuchadnezzar after refusing to compromise their faith. We are to stand tall against all odds and refuse to compromise our faith in Christ.
The story of the parable of the sower also teaches us the need to be deeply rooted in the word. Abiding in the word of God into action is the surest way of developing root against the storms of life. We realized the seeds that fell on wrong soil could not bear fruit. We also learnt that we need not to give up at all in any circumstance for there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Prayer is also essential to overcoming storms of life, hence the need to remain prayerful. Moreover, we also need to develop strong faith in Christ who is the anchor of our life.
PRAYER GUIDE: Pray that God will help you live according all the lessons learnt. Amen.
MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”