It is an indisputable fact that the period of singlehood comes with challenges, but when you trust God, you are certain that God is always with you.
Today, we will be looking at godly ways to manage singleness.
● Wait patiently for God’s timing: Waiting on God’s timing is hard. Yet, His timing is always perfect. As you wait patiently for His timing, you are encouraged to pray more. Pray to God for patience and fortitude through the waiting season (Phil. 4:6-7). Another way that can help you wait for His timing is to study the word and fully rely on it. Know that your waiting period is a period of preparation.
● Avoid anxiety: The season of singleness comes with a lot of anxiety. This is a time other people can put undue pressure on you to get married but as a Christian, the word of God encourages you not to be anxious about anything but in prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God. Don’t let the pressure from others get you into a wrong marriage. Let your mind be at peace and trust the Lord.
● Attend church regularly: As a young lady/gentleman, your involvement in church activities helps you to do away with loneliness. You are therefore admonished to make yourself available in attending church activities.
● Read good Christian literature on marriage: Since singlehood is a period of preparation, it is prudent that you read books on marriage.
● Have a good social life especially among Christians: Surround yourself with friends who fear the Lord. Do not be deceived, for bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor. 15:33); be careful the company you keep. Are your friends propelling you to good behaviour or they are rather admonishing you to do evil in the sight of God.
● Work on your spiritual, personal and career goals: Use your single life to grow a deeper relationship with God through cultivating a consistent devotional life. Strive to also attain higher heights in your career life too.