Monday, July 8, 2024


Acts 2:42-47


Doctrine means “something taught or teachings; the principles of religion that are taught”. Christian doctrine is the truth of God expounded from the Scripture. According to Kelvin J. Conner, “Christian doctrine received, believed and practised determines a person’s character, behaviour and destiny”. The Christian’s life of spiritual maturity is based on the doctrines taught, learnt and practised. A new believer who has come to the saving knowledge of Christ becomes a spiritual infant who is fed on the spiritual milk and gradually consumes solid food through sound and biblical doctrines. The essence of doctrinal maturity is that the believer cannot be tossed by waves and carried away by the wind of false doctrines.

From today’s reading, Luke the physician gives a vivid description of the first century Christians or community of faith. The new believers were developed in the apostolic doctrines (teachings), constant fellowship with one another, breaking of bread and persistent prayer. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings because the early Christians never had access to the New Testament. The constant and systematic teachings by the apostles were meant to nurture the early believers to maturity in order to attain the fullness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As young Christians, we must sincerely rest on the cognitive understandings of the Biblical teachings and genuinely grow in the knowledge of God, which shall eventually lead to spiritual maturity. Our understanding in the area of the doctrines of Christ, Holy Spirit, the Church and man as well as sanctification, just as human beings basically pass through three stages of development (from childhood to adolescence and to adulthood), all believers are expected to go through stages or levels of spiritual growth to attain doctrinal maturity in our Christian journey.

In conclusion, we must adhere to the doctrine expounded by the apostles and leaders of our wonderful church. We must be intentional in building ourselves up by studying and applying the sound biblical doctrines to live a victorious Christian life.

Prayer Guide: Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to devote myself to the apostolic doctrine as practised by the early Christians to enable me to attain spiritual maturity in the name of Jesus.

Memory Verse For This Week: 2 Corinthians 13:11 (NLT) – Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other.
