This week we have been discussing the second coming of Christ. We established from our reading on Monday (John 14:1-6) that Jesus talked about His return to His disciples. He is not coming to die again but to take the saints to heaven and destroy the devil. The truth about Christ’s return was confirmed by an angel in Acts 1:11. He put the hearts of the disciples at peace that “this same Jesus will come back in like manner.” Jesus, our friend, has taken the lead to the Father to prepare us a place in heaven. From 1 Timothy 4:1-3, the signs of the times make it clear that the coming of Christ is indeed near. It is the last hour. We therefore must be urgent with the preaching of the gospel.
Those who hate our Lord Jesus Christ and therefore resist the preaching of the gospel have called a curse upon themselves already. Those awaiting Christ’s coming must be ready to be raptured. Therefore, the desire of our hearts should be heavenward, where our Saviour is. Note that the more glued our hearts are to the things of the world the farther away we are from being raptured. May the Lord have mercy on us as we eagerly await the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.