A habit of prayer brings the family together regularly to share fellowship with God, share the ups and downs of life, and to lay challenges before God. The Lord becomes part of the fabric of the family, a member we converse with and share our deepest sorrows and most blissful joys with. Studies have shown that prayer lowers stress and inspires people to be kinder, making the Christian home happier and sweeter. It helps regulate a person’s heartbeat to make it stronger. That’s one reason why other studies link longer life to prayer. One study also revealed that prayer helps with self-control, especially when people pray before a mentally draining task. It also helps one age more smoothly and live longer. When we come together in prayer, we are united in one faith, so God matters more than our differences in politics, opinions, grades, and views.
Through prayer, we remember God created each of us and loves us, so there’s reason to respect one another despite our different views. Prayer also reminds us not to be judgmental but to seek understanding. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 states that we are to keep God’s words in our hearts and share them with our children. As they experience faith through prayer, it will help them seek God at all times. Children will discover that God is eager to be part of their lives. In our home, we pray when problems arise, and pray when we celebrate good news.
Through prayer, we invite God into all aspects of our lives and show that we want God to be part of our family. Praying together involves a commitment of time and faith with one another and God. When we schedule that time, we make family and faith a priority as we set aside worries and tasks to focus on our spiritual relationship.