A story was told of a Christian brother who was promoted and transferred to another workstation because he worked so hard at his former workplace. At his new station, his supervisor noticed that his plane fares and hotel bills that came for refund were relatively lower than those of his other colleagues. The supervisor asked the gentleman to increase his figures to avoid unnecessary suspicion, but he politely refused. The boss, sensing trouble, teamed up with the other team members and conspired against him. They made him face the disciplinary committee several times but his answer was always the same, “These were the exact fares and bills I have always been given! Unless you want me to tell you lies which I am not ready to.” He was demoted and transferred to a department where he would not be heard. But the Lord was faithful. He served diligently in his corner without bitterness. His secret was that he took a daily tablet of “Don’t worry” from Phil. 4:6.
This tablet sustained him and his family even in their struggles and difficult moments. He was again nominated as the best worker of the year and was apparently restored to his original position but this time with better incentives. Beloved in the Lord, if you will keep Jesus as your focus and take him by His word, He will level every mountainous situation in your life and cause you to smile at the storm.