Monday, September 4, 2023


Isaiah 40:27-31


In a world where everything is fast track, it has so happened that even Christians have been caught in the web. Christians of today want to have everything fast track and have no time to wait. There is no time to spend with God in our personal devotions, study of the Scriptures and in fasting and prayers. Interestingly, people have been caught up in the rat race and everything about God can wait. Some only seek God when they are in need.

Even then, they would prefer not to engage the Lord personally but seek Him through others. This has given rise to many false teachers and prophets who are using several dubious means to enrich themselves. God expects us to spend quality time with Him and not give Him our surplus.

In today’s reading, God, through the prophet, Isaiah reproves the people of Israel for complaining about their captivity and God’s seemingly lack of desire to deliver them from the hands of the enemy. However, the prophet reassures and reminds them of the need to totally depend on the Lord. He does that by unveiling to them the greatness of the Lord and His capabilities. He concludes by telling them the benefits of waiting on the Lord.

This week, we will be looking at what it means to wait on the Lord. We will examine some basic Christian disciplines which, when engaged in by believers, deepen the individual’s spirit. When we wait on the Lord, we are able to know Him personally for ourselves.

Prayer Guide: Lord, help me to learn to wait on you at all times and in all decisions.

Memory Verse For This Week: Isaiah 40:31 (TLB) – But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
