We have learnt that the money we have was given to us by God and it belongs to Him. He is the owner of your money. The mind of God concerning money and wealth is that his children will honour him with their money. To honour God with your money is to give back to God what He has given you in order for Him to bless you immeasurably.
God instructed Moses to tell the people of Israel to bring Him an offering. The purpose of the offering was to make a tabernacle or sanctuary for the Lord so that He (the Lord) will dwell among them. The condition for the offering was that, “You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give” (Exodus 25:2b). God wanted the offering to be taken from individuals who were willing to give from their hearts You honour God with your money from a willing and a cheerful heart.
In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus Christ saw the rich and the poor widow putting their money in the offering bowl. Jesus commended the poor widow for giving more than the rich people because out of her poverty she gave everything she had. The poor widow was commended because she honoured God wholeheartedly with her body and her two small copper coins. Whether you are “poor” or rich, you can honour God with your money.
You honour God with your money by giving to the poor and needy in society. There are many people in our communities who are desperately in need. You can help them pay their fees, medical bills, utilities, etc. You honour God with your money by paying your tithes faithfully and giving offerings to advance the kingdom of God.