So far this week, we have learnt a number of ways and the need to gain financial freedom by starting well with money. For the Christian, learning God’s principles of finance, and practising them in order to gain financial freedom is a path to know Christ more intimately and be financially free to serve Him. This means, however, that you must trust God and be willing to submit to His will and direction. Money is good so it’s for us to like it but we must not love money or be lovers of money. For the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10).
When you love money, you would want to get it, even if it goes against God’s standard. Every Christian should endeavour to work hard and make good financial decisions as God would bless the works of your hand so that you may bless others. If you are serious about becoming financially free, you must trust God daily in all things and cultivate sound finance practices of savings and investments. Understand the need for multiple streams of income and break the habits that keep you in debt-like spending more than you earn. Save so that you do not have to borrow. Make your money work for you through investments. Finally, we also shared in the joy of our farmers by appreciating their work and at the same time learning that God can still bless the work of our hands everywhere.