Friday, March 31, 2023


Romans 8:26-27; Acts 2:4

The source of the energy, the freshness, and the forcefulness of the Pentecostals that has propelled it to its position as the largest Protestant body is the Holy Spirit. The Fingerprints of the Holy Spirit are everywhere; from Genesis to Revelation, the Person of the Holy Spirit permeates the working of God in this life. It is the beginning of a great adventure in Christian living called “life in the Spirit.”

According to Acts 2:4, “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Jesus called this experience “the promise of the Father” and said, “you will receive power from on high”. In Luke 24:49, Jesus foretold the baptism of the disciples with the Holy Ghost and the essence of this baptism is to help them pray in the Spirit. There is an emotional quality to Spirit baptism. He lifts the human mood to a high elevation in prayer.

Romans 8:26 is not referring to the public gift of tongues, but the personal, uninterpreted prayer language given to the believer when they are baptized in the Holy Spirit. And this Spirit helps us even in our weaknesses. By this, you can say that the Spirit is an aid to prayer because we don’t know how to pray, yet we are able to pray in the Spirit.

Tongues relate the worshiper directly to God and transcend the ordinary limitations of human speech. Praying in the Spirit is an attempt to express the inexpressible. Through tongues, prayer and worship are raised to their highest level and elevated far above superficial lip service. Praying in the Spirit bypasses our mind, leaving the realm of human thought and allowing the Holy Spirit to pray according to the will of God. May we have the desire of praying in the Spirit even as we hold unto praying with our understanding so that the will of the father will be done through us.

Prayer Guide: Dear Lord and Spirit Divine, help me to make the rightful use of the Holy Spirit which you have given me. Let Him help me even in my weaknesses and fuel my ability to depend on you always.

Memory Verse For This Week: 1 Timothy 2:1 (NIV) – I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.
