Tuesday December 20, 2022


2 Corinthians 9:13-10:1; John 3:16


From our text above Apostle Paul burst out in an exclamation of thankfulness to God. The Greek word for “indescribable” in verse 15 of 2 Corinthians is used nowhere else in the New Testament and is translated as meaning “unutterable”. It means that words cannot describe and no human can fully appreciate the magnitude of this gift. It also means “incomparable” or “unspeakable”. This implies God’s free precious gift of grace, who Mary was favoured to have given birth to, cannot be compared to any other but Himself. That is why He is called the Son of the Highest. His unique identity as fully man and fully divine (God) makes him incomparable, so is His virgin birth.

A gift is something that is given freely without any strings attached, otherwise it cannot be called a gift. A gift which payment must be made is not a gift. It is purchased! Jesus was God’s free gift to humanity. The gift which is too wonderful for words to describe was given to all without discrimination. A gift may either be accepted or rejected. To accept this free gift of God is to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. This acceptance brings to the recipient every good thing that pertains to spiritual life: eternal life, eternal hope, eternal peace, eternal joy etc.

In like manner, rejecting this precious gift of Christ results in eternal damnation. A gift that is not accepted is still a gift. It is therefore prudent as we celebrate the season of the birth of a precious gift, to accept this free gift of grace into our lives as Lord and Saviour for our lives to be transformed for good. May the Lord bless you for making the right decision today to accept the Lordship of Christ. For us as believers this eternal gift continuous to be very precious and we’ll continue to honour Him.

Prayer Guide: Father, in the name of Jesus, please help me not to despise the value of your greatest gift to us. I thank you.

Memory Verse For This Week: John 3:16 (NIV) – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
