Our spiritual journey with the Lord began with a great sacrifice- a great price indeed. Firstly, God sacrificed His only beloved Son, Christ Jesus (Jn.3:16). In order that God will restore the human beings and the entire creation back to Himself, He needed to give out something, that is willing to pay a price. In addition, for Christ Jesus to become the saviour of the world, He needed to pay a price – sacrifice His own life. It is important to note that the greater the love for what you want, the greater the willingness to pay the price.
Jesus enjoins us to pay the price for following Him by carrying our cross (Luke 14:26-27). Paying the price of denying ourselves of the pleasures of this life and seeking His Kingdom.
What spiritual step do you want to take with the Lord? To what extent do you love or cherish your growth in the Lord? Are you paying the right price for your spiritual growth? Here are a few steps: identify how far you want to go in your relationship with the Lord; determine the impact that level with the Lord will make in your life; start paying the price now – putting aside everything that is not in conformity with God and strive daily towards that which pleases Him.