Scripture Reference: Mark 4:35-41.

EXPOSITION: Beloved, we established in our previous lessons that, storms are part  of life and are bound to happen unexpectedly. They may occur when  everything seems to be going smoothly for us. The storms of life come in different ways, thus, the loss of a job, death of a dear one, unemployment, childlessness, financial difficulties amongst many others. Since we know that the storms will come, then we need to ask ourselves the next question, how do we deal or develop roots against these storms when they come?

Here are some keys to help us. The first thing we need to do is to never give up! We need to take the storm that is plaguing our life for what it is, and that is a test or  trial. We must remember never to give up. The book of James  admonishes us to consider it pure joy whenever we are faced with trials of many kinds knowing that the testing of our faith produces perseverance.

Secondly, one other way to develop roots against storms is through prayer. There are times when we are faced with difficult and overwhelming challenges that only prayer can see us through. Jesus, on the night before His arrest was overwhelmed with sorrow considering the suffering ahead, hence He prayed earnestly to the point that even His sweat turned to drops of blood. In response, angels came to strengthen Him for the task ahead. If Jesus could pray to that extent, then we shouldn’t relent in prayer at all.

Furthermore, remember to develop deep faith in Jesus. With faith  in Jesus, we can be assured that no matter how bad things get, the  storm will not sweep over us.

PRAYER GUIDE: Lord grant me greater grace to be grounded and rooted in you. Amen.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
