Exposition: Secular Humanistic ideas date back to the Ancient Chinese, Greek, Indian and Roman philosophers. Notable among them were Aesop, Epictetus, Epicurus and Protagoras. Their teachings to some extent rejected religion and supernaturalism which gave birth to various humanistic movements such as Renaissance, naturalism, postmodernism and New Age Movement among others.
According to Church History, Constantine I was a Roman emperor who ruled early in the 4th century. He was the first Christian emperor and saw the empire begin to become a Christian state. The church and the state as a result became bedfellows to the point that bishops were appointed by the emperors. The major political appointments were also a preserve for ‘Christians’. The bishops at the time also indulged in ‘open sins’ to the dismay of the citizenry. These acts led the patriots to start losing confidence in religious activities which finally resulted in secularism.
Humanism on the other hand developed through the rejection of the existence of God, afterlife or anything supernatural. According to David A. Noebel: ‘Humanists view God as creation of man. Science and scientific process have rendered God obsolete’. To the Humanists, once humankind can research into finding solutions to his own problems, God is no longer needed in the affairs of humans.
The combination of these two philosophies gave rise to what is now known as Secular Humanism. One of the key proponents of secular humanism, Paul Kurts states: “Human life has no meaning independent of itself. There is no cosmic force or deity to give it meaning or significance”. To him, there is no deity and no after-life, therefore humans should take their own destiny into their own hands. Beloved, I say this that not anyone should beguile you with enticing words. (Col. 2:4).