SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2021


This week we have learnt about fruitful Christian living.  We learnt that fruitfulness has been God’s desire for man right from creation. When God blessed man to be fruitful and multiply, God put into man all that is needed to be fruitful. Again, we learnt that just as a branch of a tree cannot bear fruit in isolation, so the Christian cannot be fruitful without abiding in Christ. Therefore, the only sure way to bear fruit is to abide in Jesus. We are not only to be fruitful but also our fruits should remain. This means that the result of our labour should not be temporary but permanent on mankind.  We have not been called to a ‘nine day’ wonder kind of things but to ensure that everything is put in place to perpetuate what God does through us.

We also learnt that there are good and bad fruits. However, we are admonished that if we have the Seed of Christ in us, then we should make conscious efforts to bear the fruit of the Spirit and eschew the works of the flesh. It has been studied that it is dangerous not be fruitful as a Christian. This is because just as the vinedresser will remove all branches that are dead or that bear no fruit, so will God take from His church all professed Christians who give no evidence by their lives that they are truly united to the Lord Jesus. Finally, we learnt that Fruitful Christian Living glorifies God.

PRAYER: Pray as you are led. #PossessingtheNations
