Genesis 2:15 - 17; 3:1-10

EXPOSITION: defines obedience as ‘compliance with an order, request, or law OR submission to another authority’.

Right from the Garden of Eden, God placed so much emphasis on the need for man to be loyal and be willing to obey His words. After God had created man, He gave him a set of guidelines. God’s purpose was for man to enjoy absolute peace and quietness of mind through obedience. So there existed a healthy cordial relationship between man and God his creator. Man lacked nothing.

But the moment man disobeyed God he lost everything including his confidence to approach God. Disobedience to God means rebellion on our part.

According to the definition above, our obedience to God and His words makes us submissive to Him. Let us do all we can and pray for the grace to be totally obedient to God; for our total well being in life is dependent on it.

REFLECTION: Obedience means submission to God. Disobedience is rebellion on our part towards God.

PRAYER: Pray as led by the Spirit.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THE WEEK: “Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey; whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness.” Romans 6: 16 (NIV) #PossessingtheNations
